Some people were made to be behind the lens, and not in front of it…
Hi, I’m Nathan.
I’ve been an amateur photographer for many years, and I just love taking pictures.
Photography runs deep in my blood. My father started his work career as a press photographer, and his father was developing and printing his own photos from home when he was just a boy.
I started developing films and processing my own prints when I was in high school. In 1991 I attended Box Hill Institute where I studied ‘Photography 1 – introduction to the Camera 35mm’. Then, in 1993 I Studied ‘Photography 2 – introduction to the darkroom (35mm)’ & ‘Photography 5 – Colour Printing’
Now days it’s all about digital for me, and the ability to see your photo as soon as you have taken it, and to take as many as you want.